Our freedoms and security, fought and died for by Canadians and their allies, are under attack. The biggest threats to our freedom are too much government, the eco-lobby, and censors posing as human rights commissions. Our biggest security threat is Islam.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Knights Templar Images: Crusaders who liberated the Holy Land from Islam

For the benefit of future commenters here's the graphic explaining the actual sequence of events that prompted Europeans to launch a crusade to liberate the holy land from Islam.


Anonymous said...

If You Make Us Fight For Our Country, Then All Of You Will Suffer !!

Anonymous said...

you have missed the point, Christians fight for God and country!

Anonymous said...

we are all tired of the crap in the middle east. the world is suffering now from the rot and the hate coming from there. i dont see christian cutting up people with knives. that says a lot about all the peace loving people from the middle east. remember jesus saves!!!!

Anonymous said...

You are Evil. You say you fight infidels but you kill innocent people behead and Set on fire. For these thing you will surely pay. You are throughout the world but you have made an enemy of it.

Anonymous said...

Fed-up with these animals, and what do you do with a rabid animal ? You put it down. Death to these animals, Death to Islam . If we allow this virus to start here , to allow this scum of humanity , the same ones that are beheading children, raping little girls , crucify people, burying people alive. And who are these people , mostly Christians. And our Muslim president turns his head because they mostly are Christians. The new crusade IS starting friends, this time we'll finish what our ancestors started .

cousinarlo said...

Have to agree with the general tone here. We didn't start this fight but we will have to finish it one way or another. Islam is not about coexistence or peace; it is about eliminating or converting the whole world to their medieval and often barbaric ways.

cousinarlo said...

Apologists for Islam hate history. They love to pretend that Muslims were just minding their own business when these nasty Christians invaded from Europe. The graphic in the post "The Truth About The Crusades" explains the extent of the destruction and desecration of Christian lands. Muslims were raping and murdering our ancestors for hundreds of years; long before the first Crusade:


Anonymous said...

I can't stand it when you think you heard just about the worst thing that these subhuman slimy douches can do, and guess what, they topped themselves with a lower level of humanities, inhumanity. If only the liberal media would give more exposure and reporting to the horrible barbaric excesses that's going on over there, to so them for what they are, instead of showing what madonnas wearing to supper. I blame the media for trying to hide much of the atrocities, they are told by the liberal media bosses not to show pictures that would be contradictory to our sugar coated lives here. Let's keep the party going while the titanic sinks. The time to act is now, the next crusade IS Now , let's unleash what we can and pound them back into the dirt, that's where they belong along with their religion.

cousinarlo said...

I agree completely. The media in the west leans hard left and never misses a chance to make us look bad while ignoring the rapes, the acid-throwing, the murders, and the wanton destruction that is only done by Islam. Some religion of peace.

Anonymous said...

Heck yes! They sure liberated the Israel from the...uh Muslims who lived there. Wait...You do realize there were like SEVERAL crusades right and that it they finally ended in the utter defeat of the Christian European forces right...oh yeah never mind. You wouldn't care about that. Enjoy your weird little pity party!

Bo Reguard said...

Cracks me up. So many people have something to say but are afraid to say it under their name.
Using anonymous makes one think you all are sideline crybabies instead of those out there trying to make a difference...

cousinarlo said...

I agree Bo. If you believe what you're saying why hide in the shadows? The last anon poster has an iffy grasp of history, since Israel didn't exist as a country when the Muslims invaded the holy land, harassing Christians who were making pilgrimages to Jerusalem.